
EMOTIVAN SUSRET: Beba poljubila mamu čim se rodila


Mama Šania Ramos objavila je na svom Instagram nalogu fotografiju koju bi trebalo da vidite. 

Foto: PrintScreen Instagram


Ona opisuje sreću nakon prvog susreta sa svojom bebom. Novorođenče je tom prilikom i poljubilo mamu, što daje posebnost ovoj fotografiji.


Kako je izgledao vaš prvi susret sa bebom? 



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Fotografije porođaja – bez cenzure! (FOTO)



Пoглeдaj˜j‚e oвjƒ oбj˜aвjƒ jƒ aпликaj†Ð¸j˜Ð¸ Instagram

I am on cloud nine with this little one. Being a momma is so much more beautiful than I ever thought. ❤️ • • • To be honest, our first night was rough. I slept maybe two hours but mostly just breast fed Harrison because the cluster feeding is REAL. I was also getting up and moving for the first time since the surgery and that was a lot harder than anticipated (and the pain has only increased today.) I don’t say all this to rant or complain. I wouldn’t trade the sweet cuddles I get for anything. I guess I just want to be real and share that even though we are all smiles in the pictures, there are a lot of tears that go unpictured and unseen. Being a new parent has been an adjustment to say the least, but it is so so worth it. Also, don’t know where I would be without the grace of the Lord, my self-sacrificing husband, and the amazing nursing staff at St. Francis Hospital.

Обj˜aвa кoj˜jƒ дeли Shania Ramos (@shaniaramos23) дaнa


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Prosečno trajanje ciklusa

Mama Šania Ramos objavila je na svom Instagram nalogu fotografiju koju bi trebalo da vidite. 

Foto: PrintScreen Instagram


Ona opisuje sreću nakon prvog susreta sa svojom bebom. Novorođenče je tom prilikom i poljubilo mamu, što daje posebnost ovoj fotografiji.


Kako je izgledao vaš prvi susret sa bebom? 



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Fotografije porođaja – bez cenzure! (FOTO)



Пoглeдaj˜j‚e oвjƒ oбj˜aвjƒ jƒ aпликaj†Ð¸j˜Ð¸ Instagram

I am on cloud nine with this little one. Being a momma is so much more beautiful than I ever thought. ❤️ • • • To be honest, our first night was rough. I slept maybe two hours but mostly just breast fed Harrison because the cluster feeding is REAL. I was also getting up and moving for the first time since the surgery and that was a lot harder than anticipated (and the pain has only increased today.) I don’t say all this to rant or complain. I wouldn’t trade the sweet cuddles I get for anything. I guess I just want to be real and share that even though we are all smiles in the pictures, there are a lot of tears that go unpictured and unseen. Being a new parent has been an adjustment to say the least, but it is so so worth it. Also, don’t know where I would be without the grace of the Lord, my self-sacrificing husband, and the amazing nursing staff at St. Francis Hospital.

Обj˜aвa кoj˜jƒ дeли Shania Ramos (@shaniaramos23) дaнa


Izračunajte vaš BMI

Godine starosti:

Vaša visina:

Vaša težina:

Vaš BMI iznosi
Normalna težina

Normalna telesna masa
Manja gojaznost
Velika gojaznost
Preterana gojaznost
Napomena: BMI kalkulator služi isključivo u informativne svrhe i rezultati su okvirni. Nije zamena za dijagnostičku metodu. Vrednosti ne važe za decu do 18 godina, trudnice i dojilje, bolešljive i slabe osobe
Utvrdite kada su vam plodni dani i povećajte šanse da ostanete u drugom stanju.

Potrebno je samo da unesete prvi dan vašeg poslednjeg ciklusa i prosečno trajanje i dobićete kalendar plodnih dana za narednih pet meseci.

Izračunavanje plodnih i neplodnih dana je metoda koja se zasniva na karakteristikama menstrualnog ciklusa. Svaka žena koja ima ciklus na 28 dana, ima ovulaciju (oslobađanje jajne ćelije) oko 14. dana ciklusa.
Izračunajte plodne dane

Prvi dan poslednje menstruacije

Prosečno trajanje ciklusa
Ovulacija ≈
Ned. 20.07.2021. Pet. 25.07.2021.
Danas je Sreda, 26.06.2024
Plodni dani
dana 5 Menstruacija
dana 15 Folikularna faza
dana 6 Ovulacija
Sledeća menstruacija
za ≈ 28 dana

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