
Mama imaš divan i mekan trbuh

“MAMA, ti imaš najmekaniji i najspužvastiji stomak. Kao mekani jastuk je. Ako ćemo putovati negde gde neće biti jastuka, ja ću ti dati svoj, a ja ću spavati na tvom mekanom stomaku”, nevino je i dečije zaključio sin Ashley Nowe – nešto slično što su verojatno čule i mnoge druge mame od svojih klinaca.
I naravno – prva joj je reakcija bila – buuh – i želja da sinu objasni da to baš i nije tako slatko čuti, ali je onda zastala i shvatila – njen joj je sin to rekao iz čiste ljubavi prema njenom mekanom stomaku. Njemu najdražem.
Jer dete još i ne zna zapravo norme lepote uobičajene društvu.

Last night, as I tucked in my oldest, he noticed my stomach and put his head on it. “Mom, you have the squishiest stomach. It is like a soft pillow. If we traveled somewhere and there was no pillow, you could have the pillow and I could just lay on your stomach.” My first reaction was to cringe, or to tell him that it isn’t nice to tell someone they have a squishy stomach, but then I thought better of it. He meant it in a loving way. He was admiring its gentleness and its softness. Soon after, one of the twins came in and joined us for cuddle time. He admired its jiggle, too, with an exceptionally loud zerbert that only a mama with so much skin can offer. Grady proudly stated that this is where they lived as babies, and that they came out of my stomach, but that babies more often “come out of the vagina.” One quick anatomy lesson later, and I kissed them goodnight. —————————————– As I walked down the hall, I thought how lucky his wife would one day be. He only holds positivity for my #postpartum body. I know he will hold the same for hers. He knows that her postpartum body will be softer. He knows that it will have lines. He understands that her body tells a story of the start of a life–the first chapter of someone special’s story. He will look at his wife as strong, and brave, and generous for giving life. He will only love her more. I know this of him. ————————————- I’m so glad I let him talk about my stomach and its “imperfections” instead of guarding my ego. Life through the eyes of a child is raw and beautiful. Know that your child thinks your stomach is exactly as it should be, too. Because it is! ———————————– And how about this fun fact. Did you know there is a Pokémon character whose nickname is “Squishy”? He also shared this fun fact in our discussion. 😆 —————————————– #mom #momlife #selflove #postpartum #postpartumbody #mombod #bodyafterbaby #twinmom #momof3boys #fitmom #fitmommy #fitmomsofig #diastasisrecti #pelvicfloor #embrace #embracethesquish #loveyourself #boymom #twinskin Photo credit: @jadebeallphotography

A post shared by Ashley Nowe (@getmomstrong) on

I bolje da za njih što duže ne sazna. Da učvrsti uverenje da je telo sa svojim nesavršenostima – lepo telo. Mame obično već u ranoj fazi deci objašnjavaju da njihov stomačić nije sladak, da je debeo, da ga trebalo malo skriti, ne dirati.

Slatka je i njena druga opaska kada joj je nakon te sinove reči stigao i blizanac broj dva – da i on uživa u maženju maminog zgužvanog trbuha. Iz čiste ljubavi, zabave i dečije potrebe za bliskim kontaktom.





It takes time. It takes a lot of time. Like a whole lot of time. I wish someone had said this to me in the months, and now years, since birthing my twins. Today, I say it to you. It takes a lot of time to heal your postpartum body. Be gentle on yourself. Be patient. Be persistent.———————————————- For me, it was a hard fought journey to regain my strength and confidence after a pretty intense diastasis recti, a weakening of the connective tissue between the “six-pack” muscle that leaves you looking many months pregnant long after delivery. I fought hard for insurance to cover my physical therapy. I was diligent in my rehab. I relearned how to breathe, to move, to be an athlete. Nothing has tested my patience, not even my children (and I have #twins), as much as recovering from the birth of my boys. —————————————— I share my story with you (LINK IN BIO) because I felt so very lost when I finally discovered why I wasn’t “bouncing back.” I share my story with you to let you know that it takes a LONG freaking time to see tangible changes. I share my story with you so that more women know that diastasis recti is common and there is a way to improve it without surgery. I share my story with you, because we are a tribe of strong women, trying to get better postnatal care in a country that doesn’t prioritize it. I share my story with you, so that you, too, will advocate. #diastasisrecti, #postpartum #bodyafterbaby #mombod #pelvicfloor#fitmom #patience #strength #pregnancy #newmom #mom #baby#mommytummy @pumpthebump @scarymommy @fitpregnancy

A post shared by Ashley Nowe (@getmomstrong) on

Postanite član Bebac porodice! Registrujte se

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Unesite prvi dan Vašeg
poslednjeg ciklusa

Prosečno trajanje ciklusa
“MAMA, ti imaš najmekaniji i najspužvastiji stomak. Kao mekani jastuk je. Ako ćemo putovati negde gde neće biti jastuka, ja ću ti dati svoj, a ja ću spavati na tvom mekanom stomaku”, nevino je i dečije zaključio sin Ashley Nowe – nešto slično što su verojatno čule i mnoge druge mame od svojih klinaca.
I naravno – prva joj je reakcija bila – buuh – i želja da sinu objasni da to baš i nije tako slatko čuti, ali je onda zastala i shvatila – njen joj je sin to rekao iz čiste ljubavi prema njenom mekanom stomaku. Njemu najdražem.
Jer dete još i ne zna zapravo norme lepote uobičajene društvu.

Last night, as I tucked in my oldest, he noticed my stomach and put his head on it. “Mom, you have the squishiest stomach. It is like a soft pillow. If we traveled somewhere and there was no pillow, you could have the pillow and I could just lay on your stomach.” My first reaction was to cringe, or to tell him that it isn’t nice to tell someone they have a squishy stomach, but then I thought better of it. He meant it in a loving way. He was admiring its gentleness and its softness. Soon after, one of the twins came in and joined us for cuddle time. He admired its jiggle, too, with an exceptionally loud zerbert that only a mama with so much skin can offer. Grady proudly stated that this is where they lived as babies, and that they came out of my stomach, but that babies more often “come out of the vagina.” One quick anatomy lesson later, and I kissed them goodnight. —————————————– As I walked down the hall, I thought how lucky his wife would one day be. He only holds positivity for my #postpartum body. I know he will hold the same for hers. He knows that her postpartum body will be softer. He knows that it will have lines. He understands that her body tells a story of the start of a life–the first chapter of someone special’s story. He will look at his wife as strong, and brave, and generous for giving life. He will only love her more. I know this of him. ————————————- I’m so glad I let him talk about my stomach and its “imperfections” instead of guarding my ego. Life through the eyes of a child is raw and beautiful. Know that your child thinks your stomach is exactly as it should be, too. Because it is! ———————————– And how about this fun fact. Did you know there is a Pokémon character whose nickname is “Squishy”? He also shared this fun fact in our discussion. 😆 —————————————– #mom #momlife #selflove #postpartum #postpartumbody #mombod #bodyafterbaby #twinmom #momof3boys #fitmom #fitmommy #fitmomsofig #diastasisrecti #pelvicfloor #embrace #embracethesquish #loveyourself #boymom #twinskin Photo credit: @jadebeallphotography

A post shared by Ashley Nowe (@getmomstrong) on

I bolje da za njih što duže ne sazna. Da učvrsti uverenje da je telo sa svojim nesavršenostima – lepo telo. Mame obično već u ranoj fazi deci objašnjavaju da njihov stomačić nije sladak, da je debeo, da ga trebalo malo skriti, ne dirati.

Slatka je i njena druga opaska kada joj je nakon te sinove reči stigao i blizanac broj dva – da i on uživa u maženju maminog zgužvanog trbuha. Iz čiste ljubavi, zabave i dečije potrebe za bliskim kontaktom.





It takes time. It takes a lot of time. Like a whole lot of time. I wish someone had said this to me in the months, and now years, since birthing my twins. Today, I say it to you. It takes a lot of time to heal your postpartum body. Be gentle on yourself. Be patient. Be persistent.———————————————- For me, it was a hard fought journey to regain my strength and confidence after a pretty intense diastasis recti, a weakening of the connective tissue between the “six-pack” muscle that leaves you looking many months pregnant long after delivery. I fought hard for insurance to cover my physical therapy. I was diligent in my rehab. I relearned how to breathe, to move, to be an athlete. Nothing has tested my patience, not even my children (and I have #twins), as much as recovering from the birth of my boys. —————————————— I share my story with you (LINK IN BIO) because I felt so very lost when I finally discovered why I wasn’t “bouncing back.” I share my story with you to let you know that it takes a LONG freaking time to see tangible changes. I share my story with you so that more women know that diastasis recti is common and there is a way to improve it without surgery. I share my story with you, because we are a tribe of strong women, trying to get better postnatal care in a country that doesn’t prioritize it. I share my story with you, so that you, too, will advocate. #diastasisrecti, #postpartum #bodyafterbaby #mombod #pelvicfloor#fitmom #patience #strength #pregnancy #newmom #mom #baby#mommytummy @pumpthebump @scarymommy @fitpregnancy

A post shared by Ashley Nowe (@getmomstrong) on

Izračunajte vaš BMI

Godine starosti:

Vaša visina:

Vaša težina:

Vaš BMI iznosi
Normalna težina

Normalna telesna masa
Manja gojaznost
Velika gojaznost
Preterana gojaznost
Napomena: BMI kalkulator služi isključivo u informativne svrhe i rezultati su okvirni. Nije zamena za dijagnostičku metodu. Vrednosti ne važe za decu do 18 godina, trudnice i dojilje, bolešljive i slabe osobe
Utvrdite kada su vam plodni dani i povećajte šanse da ostanete u drugom stanju.

Potrebno je samo da unesete prvi dan vašeg poslednjeg ciklusa i prosečno trajanje i dobićete kalendar plodnih dana za narednih pet meseci.

Izračunavanje plodnih i neplodnih dana je metoda koja se zasniva na karakteristikama menstrualnog ciklusa. Svaka žena koja ima ciklus na 28 dana, ima ovulaciju (oslobađanje jajne ćelije) oko 14. dana ciklusa.
Izračunajte plodne dane

Prvi dan poslednje menstruacije

Prosečno trajanje ciklusa
Ovulacija ≈
Ned. 20.07.2021. Pet. 25.07.2021.
Danas je Četvrtak, 27.06.2024
Plodni dani
dana 5 Menstruacija
dana 15 Folikularna faza
dana 6 Ovulacija
Sledeća menstruacija
za ≈ 28 dana

Može vas zanimati još i

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