
Kako sve jedna trudnoća može biti drugačija od druge?


 Fotografija ove dve mame otišla je viralno i privukla poptuno različite reakcije mama širom sveta. 



I was surprised with a cute visit today from a friend Nat who is also expecting 💕 Just being able to see someone in the flesh, rub her tummy, hear how incredible her journey has been so far, how healthy baby is & all the fun talk about kicks, food, names etc was beautiful. This is Nat’s 3rd pregnancy so she had a lot of great advice to share ☺️ It’s very clear in this photo just how tall I am, I mean my chin sits above Nat’s head lol We worked out that we are 4 weeks apart, so our little ones will be the same age, same grade at school and potential best buds hehehehe….. Nat’s due start of March & I’m due end of March. Each women carries different and this most certainly doesn’t mean one is doing something wrong or not healthy etc. We both have healthy growing babies & we both have had incredible pregnancies so far, feeling amazing & full of energy. #21.5weeks #expecting #march2016 #pregnant #love #happiness #Babyduncan

A photo posted by Chontel Duncan (@chontelduncan) on

Levo možete videti osobu koja je bodibilder i trener  Šantel  Dankan koja je u 21. nedelji trudnoće. Ovo je fotografisano u novembru. Desno je njena drugarica Natali Smit kojoj je ostalo još četiri nedelje do porođaja.

”Svaka žena je trudna na drugačiji način i ono što je sigurno jeste da to ne znači da jedna radi nešto pogrešno i nezdravo u odnosu na drugu”, napisala je Dankan na svom Instagram profile.

”Obe imamo zdrave bebe i obe se osećamo predivno, energično i zdravo u trudnoći”.

Dankan je bila iznenađena reakcijama koje prvi put dobila. ”Ja sam ipak visoka I imam dosta mišića. Plus, ovo Natali treća trudnoća dok je moja prva”, rekla je Dankan za magazin People.

Dankan se polako približava porođaju i kako kaže, vežba u skladu sa mogućnostima koje trudnoća pruža.



BUMP UPDATE 🍼 37 weeks…. Only 21 days to go 🙈 Well well Little D you have caused quiet a commotion, you are most certainly making your entrance into this world noticeable. But seriously “what a week” 😳 did not expect that, can not believe how many people are apparently doctors, how easily people can slam a pregnant women, but more importantly how INCREDIBLE absolute strangers are. I don’t think there are any words that could describe just how humbled I am to see absolute strangers support my lifestyle, pregnancy, my unborn child & give me the respect I think I deserve for putting in the effort to maintain my habits whilst pregnant. For a women to consider falling pregnant is a HUGE decision it’s a permanent decision, not just the physical demands, the risk, but you’re preparing to sacrifice your very being to be this little persons everything for as long as you live. Then there’s conceiving, you couldn’t feel more pressure if you tried, it’s extremely difficult for so many women, I am extremely grateful I fell first go, but I am close to so many whom have struggled greatly. Now you’re pregnant the physical changes, the tests & the realisation that it’s happening is prominent. What if you’re told at 12 weeks your child is at great risk or what if you miscarry 😕 it’s emotionally hectic!!!! You get through all that & you know that from here on out what you feel emotionally the baby will feel, you know what you eat the baby will eat & you know that your physical health will impact the babies as he/she develops within. You make everyday the best so at the end of the journey you can hold your head high I know that you brought this little person up the best possible way you could… You realise that school did NOT set you up to understand child birth or how to prepare for a child, so you walk into this overwhelming world of preparing for parenthood. So much to learn… 😩 BUT wait then there’s critics, well in my case a lot of them. They pick and pull you apart, I had ppl at the beginning excited to see me blow out, see me quit at my career because apparently it’s not possible to do both… TO CONTINUE READING HIT THE LINK 📲 IN MY BIO (Wearing @aimn.oceania)

A photo posted by Chontel Duncan (@chontelduncan) on

Postanite član Bebac porodice! Registrujte se

Da li ste trudni ili imate bebu?

Unesite termin porođaja ili datum rođenja vašeg bebca i pratite njegov razvoj iz nedelje u nedelju.

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Izračunajte termin porođaja

Unesite prvi dan Vašeg
poslednjeg ciklusa

Prosečno trajanje ciklusa

 Fotografija ove dve mame otišla je viralno i privukla poptuno različite reakcije mama širom sveta. 



I was surprised with a cute visit today from a friend Nat who is also expecting 💕 Just being able to see someone in the flesh, rub her tummy, hear how incredible her journey has been so far, how healthy baby is & all the fun talk about kicks, food, names etc was beautiful. This is Nat’s 3rd pregnancy so she had a lot of great advice to share ☺️ It’s very clear in this photo just how tall I am, I mean my chin sits above Nat’s head lol We worked out that we are 4 weeks apart, so our little ones will be the same age, same grade at school and potential best buds hehehehe….. Nat’s due start of March & I’m due end of March. Each women carries different and this most certainly doesn’t mean one is doing something wrong or not healthy etc. We both have healthy growing babies & we both have had incredible pregnancies so far, feeling amazing & full of energy. #21.5weeks #expecting #march2016 #pregnant #love #happiness #Babyduncan

A photo posted by Chontel Duncan (@chontelduncan) on

Levo možete videti osobu koja je bodibilder i trener  Šantel  Dankan koja je u 21. nedelji trudnoće. Ovo je fotografisano u novembru. Desno je njena drugarica Natali Smit kojoj je ostalo još četiri nedelje do porođaja.

”Svaka žena je trudna na drugačiji način i ono što je sigurno jeste da to ne znači da jedna radi nešto pogrešno i nezdravo u odnosu na drugu”, napisala je Dankan na svom Instagram profile.

”Obe imamo zdrave bebe i obe se osećamo predivno, energično i zdravo u trudnoći”.

Dankan je bila iznenađena reakcijama koje prvi put dobila. ”Ja sam ipak visoka I imam dosta mišića. Plus, ovo Natali treća trudnoća dok je moja prva”, rekla je Dankan za magazin People.

Dankan se polako približava porođaju i kako kaže, vežba u skladu sa mogućnostima koje trudnoća pruža.



BUMP UPDATE 🍼 37 weeks…. Only 21 days to go 🙈 Well well Little D you have caused quiet a commotion, you are most certainly making your entrance into this world noticeable. But seriously “what a week” 😳 did not expect that, can not believe how many people are apparently doctors, how easily people can slam a pregnant women, but more importantly how INCREDIBLE absolute strangers are. I don’t think there are any words that could describe just how humbled I am to see absolute strangers support my lifestyle, pregnancy, my unborn child & give me the respect I think I deserve for putting in the effort to maintain my habits whilst pregnant. For a women to consider falling pregnant is a HUGE decision it’s a permanent decision, not just the physical demands, the risk, but you’re preparing to sacrifice your very being to be this little persons everything for as long as you live. Then there’s conceiving, you couldn’t feel more pressure if you tried, it’s extremely difficult for so many women, I am extremely grateful I fell first go, but I am close to so many whom have struggled greatly. Now you’re pregnant the physical changes, the tests & the realisation that it’s happening is prominent. What if you’re told at 12 weeks your child is at great risk or what if you miscarry 😕 it’s emotionally hectic!!!! You get through all that & you know that from here on out what you feel emotionally the baby will feel, you know what you eat the baby will eat & you know that your physical health will impact the babies as he/she develops within. You make everyday the best so at the end of the journey you can hold your head high I know that you brought this little person up the best possible way you could… You realise that school did NOT set you up to understand child birth or how to prepare for a child, so you walk into this overwhelming world of preparing for parenthood. So much to learn… 😩 BUT wait then there’s critics, well in my case a lot of them. They pick and pull you apart, I had ppl at the beginning excited to see me blow out, see me quit at my career because apparently it’s not possible to do both… TO CONTINUE READING HIT THE LINK 📲 IN MY BIO (Wearing @aimn.oceania)

A photo posted by Chontel Duncan (@chontelduncan) on

Izračunajte vaš BMI

Godine starosti:

Vaša visina:

Vaša težina:

Vaš BMI iznosi
Normalna težina

Normalna telesna masa
Manja gojaznost
Velika gojaznost
Preterana gojaznost
Napomena: BMI kalkulator služi isključivo u informativne svrhe i rezultati su okvirni. Nije zamena za dijagnostičku metodu. Vrednosti ne važe za decu do 18 godina, trudnice i dojilje, bolešljive i slabe osobe
Utvrdite kada su vam plodni dani i povećajte šanse da ostanete u drugom stanju.

Potrebno je samo da unesete prvi dan vašeg poslednjeg ciklusa i prosečno trajanje i dobićete kalendar plodnih dana za narednih pet meseci.

Izračunavanje plodnih i neplodnih dana je metoda koja se zasniva na karakteristikama menstrualnog ciklusa. Svaka žena koja ima ciklus na 28 dana, ima ovulaciju (oslobađanje jajne ćelije) oko 14. dana ciklusa.
Izračunajte plodne dane

Prvi dan poslednje menstruacije

Prosečno trajanje ciklusa
Ovulacija ≈
Ned. 20.07.2021. Pet. 25.07.2021.
Danas je Subota, 16.11.2024
Plodni dani
dana 5 Menstruacija
dana 15 Folikularna faza
dana 6 Ovulacija
Sledeća menstruacija
za ≈ 28 dana

Može vas zanimati još i

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